Marine WATERs (Western Australian Teacher Education Resources)

Marine WATERs is an initiative of the Department of Fisheries and Woodside Energy.

Marine WATERs
(Western Australian Teacher Education Resources)

Marine WATERs is an interactive and fully integrated online resource focusing on the Western Australian marine environment. Resources and tools are arranged across five themed modules - processes, marine life, habitats, humans and management.

We welcome you to share your experiences and knowledge with other like-minded marine educators across WA, Australia and overseas.

Marine WATERs connects educators and students with resources and tools developed specifically to study Western Australia's unique marine ecosystems and address challenges facing the sustainability of our aquatic resources.

Part 1 of Marine WATERs, for primary schools, was implemented in 2011.
Part 2, for secondary schools, came on-stream in 2012.

We update our existing materials and continue to add new content.

We'd like everyone to enjoy their time here so we have put together these guidelines for our page:

- Please keep comments on-topic. We're unable to answer specific customer service queries here. If you'd like to contact us regarding a complaint or feedback on our services please visit
- Please treat people with respect and consideration;
- If someone/an organisation hasn’t given you their express permission to use their name, photos and audio/video content, please don’t;
- Make sure that what you post is also factually correct, legal, isn’t defamatory; threatening, abusive, discriminatory, offensive or invades a person’s privacy or infringes copyright or other intellectual property rights;
- Do not use swearwords or inappropriate language which may offend; this includes swearwords with asterisks or other symbols replacing some letters;
- You may not post any advertising, spam, selling and links to external sites. This includes posts used to direct traffic to other sites, blogs or Facebook pages;
- Please do not post personal information including account numbers or other details; and
- You should only post the same message once.


- If you do come across a comment on our page that you consider inappropriate, Facebook allows you to report it directly either as 'mark as spam' or 'report as abuse'.
- All material posted on the page must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use.
- We reserve the right to remove comments. Please note that offenders may be reported and blocked from participating on the page.
- The Department of Fisheries is not responsible or liable for any content posted or uploaded to this site by a user or any content on third party sites.
